
The business trainings are aimed to give maximum return on invested time and money. This is the approach we took when designing our offer.

Companies that would like to have the training tailored to specifiec needs we invite to contact us – we will be more than happy to prepare customized offer for you.

Our offer:

How to start with Robotics Process Automation (RPA)?

Programme (8 hours):

1. What is and what is not Robotics Process Automation?

2. RPA market: vendors, consulting companies, trends

3. How to start with RPA – practical exercise”

  • Planning your RPA pilot
  • Identifying processes for robotization
  • Building robotization strategy
  • Estimating the RPA business case

4. Most pitfalls when starting with RPA (45 min)
5. How RPA will change business organizations and how it will change existing business paradigms (45 min)


After this training you’ll be able to:

  • Explain what is RPA and how is it different from other forms of process automation
  • Build a business case and plan for a RPA pilot
  • Create the strategy to implement and deploy RPA in the organization
  • Estimate potential benefits of the project/programme
  • Avoid common pitfalls of other organizations starting with their robotics journey


DominikJaskulski3 Trainer:

Dominik Jaskulski is a Co-founder and Vice-President in Office Samurai. He has 8+ years of experience in various areas, including project management, banking, NGO & IT risk mgmt. He holds diplomas in economics, finance, statistical analysis and lean management. As a fan of Agile and Lean Management Dominik tries to combine these two philosophies in daily work.

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Measuring business processes effectively

Programme (8 hours):

1. Which data can we measure in business processes?

2. Why do we measure?

3. How to quantify individual measures – overview of measurement techniques

4. How to ensure coherent data?

5. Basic techniques for data analysis

6. Drawing conclusions from data analysis to manage processes and teams

7. Using data in Lean or Kaizen projects

8. Frequently asked questions and issues from participants


After this training you’ll be able to:

  • prepare data collection process in your organisation
  • execute correct measurements
  • manage your processes based on data
  • lead Lean projects and improve processes
 wolak 150x200 Trainer:

Michał Wolak prowadzi projekty doradczo-wdrożeniowe i szkoli z zakresu Lean Management zarówno w firmach produkcyjnych, jak i usługowych (SSC i BPO). Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie trenerskie, coachingowe oraz doradcze.
Z pasją przekazuje swoją wiedzę i umiejętności, prowadząc szkolenia z takich zagadnień jak Lean Management, techniki Kaizen, umiejętności przywódcze, efektywna komunikacja. Jako prezes zarządu odpowiada za rozwój strategiczny firmy Lean Action Sp. z o.o., która od 2004 r. podnosi efektywność polskich przedsiębiorstw. Przeprowadził liczne projekty, osiągając dzięki nim wymierne efekty. Od młodości interesuje się Dalekim Wschodem – Chinami i Japonią. W wolnym czasie chodzi po górach, jeździ na nartach i tańczy tańce latynoamerykańskie. Jest też pasjonatem żeglarstwa.

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Change management in business processes

Programme (8 hours):

1. Where does resistance to change come from?

2. Change cycle

3. Effective change communication

4. Employee engagement through change

5. Role management in the change process.


After this training you’ll be able to:

  • plan and implement change in your organisation
  • encourage others to support change
  • avoid the most common mistakes in change management
2015-dlh-1-160x240 Trainer:

Andrzej Kinastowski has been assisting various SSCs and BPOs in improving their delivery in areas of Continuous Improvement, Process Excellence, automation and robotics, leadership and strategy for the last 10 years. He’s a Lean in Office practitioner, big fan of Kaizen thinking. Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, experienced trainer, university teacher. Co-founder of Service Process Improvement Network association.

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Competence development

Programme (8 hours):

1. Employee market and its consequences to the organisation

2. Employees knowledge and what motivates them to work

3. Components of competence

4. Lean approach to employee’s competence development

5. Competence matrix – a powerful Lean tool

6. Multi-competence or specialisation, meaning how to develop your team

7. Frequently asked questions and issues from participants


After this training you’ll be able to:

  • prepare a competence matrix
  • plan your team’s development
  • motivate your employees.
wolak 150x200 Trainer:

Michał Wolak prowadzi projekty doradczo-wdrożeniowe i szkoli z zakresu Lean Management zarówno w firmach produkcyjnych, jak i usługowych (SSC i BPO). Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie trenerskie, coachingowe oraz doradcze.
Z pasją przekazuje swoją wiedzę i umiejętności, prowadząc szkolenia z takich zagadnień jak Lean Management, techniki Kaizen, umiejętności przywódcze, efektywna komunikacja. Jako prezes zarządu odpowiada za rozwój strategiczny firmy Lean Action Sp. z o.o., która od 2004 r. podnosi efektywność polskich przedsiębiorstw. Przeprowadził liczne projekty, osiągając dzięki nim wymierne efekty. Od młodości interesuje się Dalekim Wschodem – Chinami i Japonią. W wolnym czasie chodzi po górach, jeździ na nartach i tańczy tańce latynoamerykańskie. Jest też pasjonatem żeglarstwa.

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Visual Management in the office

Programme (8 hours):

1. Introduction to visual management (VM)

2. Dashboard elements and daily meetings (huddle)

3. Creating an effective dashboard, data visualisation

4. How to start with the daily meeting at the board

5. Change management

6. Auditing as a tool for stabilisation

7. Common mistakes in implementing VM


After this training you’ll be able to:

  • Create your dashboard for managing team workload
  • Implement dashboard and daily meetings with the team
  • Deal with most common issues in implementing VM

baraniak 200


Agata Zydroń is a Process Manager in Lufthansa Global Business Services in Kraków. Agata has expierience in delivering trainings on Lean Six Sigma such as visual managament, Kaizen, process mapping, problem solving methods, FMEA and Lean Six Sigma methodology basics. She also specializes in Lean Six Sigma programs implementation (Lean Six Sigma certification, improvements rewarding program) and implementation of Lean Six Sigma methodology in operational teams. She gained her experience in companies such as UBS, Kaizen Institute and MTU Aero Engines.

Michał Baraniak, department director, previously Continuous Improvement Manager at Euroclear. He led local CI team, managed transformation projects and developed continuous improvement culture in the organization. He loves to give trainings, workshops and introduce/improve visual management.

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How to lead your first Lean Intro training?

Programme (8 hours):

1. Objectives of Lean intro training

2. Elements of Lean intro training

3. Introduction to training techniques (according to Kolb cycle)

4. Lean simulation – game and detailed analysis

5. Leading effective training discussions

6. Frequently asked questions and issues from participants

Every participant, after finishing training, will receive standard training materials (including simulation game) to use in their organisation.


After this training you’ll be able to:

  • Prepare a Lean intro training for your organisation
  • Select process examples to use during training
  • Lead your first Lean intro training
2015-dlh-1-160x240 Trainer:

Andrzej Kinastowski has been assisting various SSCs and BPOs in improving their delivery in areas of Continuous Improvement, Process Excellence, automation and robotics, leadership and strategy for the last 10 years. He’s a Lean in Office practitioner, big fan of Kaizen thinking. Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, experienced trainer, university teacher. Co-founder of Service Process Improvement Network association.

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