12th Open Conference

12th Open Conference
Service Process Improvement Network

16-17 February 2022

We would like to invite you to the 12th Open SPIN Conference which will take place on the 16 – 17 February 2022. It will be held online. Topics presented during this event will be very diverse. Both shared services centers’,small companies’ or startups’ employees will find there something inspirational. We will discuss lean management, automation and improving one’s potential. The main goal of this event is to encourage the participants to continuously improve their organizations in order to build added value for the customers, therefore increasing competitive edge.

This event will be conducted mostly in Polish, however there will one speech in English (from 14:57 to 15:27). Participation in lectures is free of charge.

There will be one workshop conducted in English on the second day – “OKR method – what is it and how to use it?”. The attendance cost is 599 PLN + VAT.


The Conference is divided into two parts:

lecture part/inspiration – experts’ online prelections

practice – full day online workshops

Participation in Conference is possible only after registering online (find the online form below).




Day 1 (16 February, Wednesday) – lectures

18:07 – 20:07Open SPIN meeting (online)

DAY 1 – lectures (Wednesday)
start Topic Speaker
9:07 – 9:17 Opening of the Conference (PL)
09:17 – 09:47 Lean – how to start? (PL) Tomasz Cepiga
09:47 – 10:17 LEAN FEAR – what were are afraid of and what stops us from being Lean (PL) Marek Krasiński
10:17 – 10:47 What and why to measure? How to implement metrics in
your organization. (PL)
Joanna Szymańska-Put
10:47 – 11:07 Break
11:07 – 11:37 New technological trends in business optimizations (PL) Oskar Jarnot
11:37 – 12:07 The golden mean of the improvement. Lean, Six Sigma or RPA? (PL) Tomasz Matusinski
12:07 – 12:37 Digital Transformation Mining (PL) Adam Bujak
12:37 – 13:37 Break
13:37 – 14:07 FRIS. How yours way of thinking and acting may improve yours and your team’s efectiveness (PL) Bartłomiej Papisz
14:07 – 14:37 Why did it not work? Risks and challenges of transforming procurement processes and methods of their reduction. (PL) Joanna Hryneńko-Dudek
14:37 – 14:57 Break
14:57 – 15:27 How creativity and trust support the software production processes optimization.  (PL) Tomasz Manugiewicz
15:27 – 15:57 To become a 100K people startup: startup growth hacking using lean & lean startup principles (EN) Efi Ben Artzy
15:57 – 16:07 Day 1 closing remarks
18:07 – 20:07 Open SPIN meeting (online)
DAY 2 – workshops (Thursday)
start Activities
9:00 – 17:00 Online workshops (one to be chosen):

  1. Automate your daily work with MS Excel without VBA – Introduction to Power Query with practical examples.
    – Ireneusz Czyżewski
  2. Can the robots read? – how to convince the financial director that robotization works and is profitable – Tomek Owsiak, FarmaProm
  3. Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt – Anna Grabowska-Grabiec, go4sixsigma
  4. Introduction to Power Automate Flow – a tool for collecting ideas for improvements in the company – Maciej Witos, Office Samurai
  5. Detailed analysis of office processes before their automation – Sylwia Rożek, Office Samurai



To become a 100K people startup: startup growth hacking using lean & lean startup principles

  • Key learnings from leading companies.
  • Key lean principles for successful growth- theory and practice.
  • From Startup to corporate and vice versa.

Efi Ben Artzy
Efi has been working both as a manager and as a consultant in various companies in Israel, Europe, and the US. Efi has a diverse background in companies’ excellence in various industries (Manufacturing, Services, High-tech, Healthcare, Etc..). He has been leading operational and business transformations to improve companies’ value to customers, improving customer experience and success by implementing top-notch processes and better products. Among others, Efi is a mentor at Google for Startups and working with startups from different industries, to achieve innovation and better product development.
Efi is also a member of the board of the EU tech chamber (the largest European tech organization).
Efi also established few companies, both of his own and as a venture builder. He holds M.A in history and political science from TAU, he is a certified lean management coach and holds a certification in management and leadership from Wharton School in Pennsylvania.



OKR method – what is it and how to use it? (ENGLISH) – Juan Sanchez Martinez, UBS

Entry level

While traditional planning methods are too slow and cumbersome for today’s fast-paced environment – OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a lightweight, fast-cadence, model that increases engagement and alignment. OKRs are used by some of the world’s most innovative companies, quietly taking over the corporate world.
This workshops is for managers who want to know what OKRs are (aren’t) and how to start using them.

Juan Sanchez Martinez, UBS

Continuous Improvement enthusiast and practicioner. Former Team manager, coach and facilitator. Currently working for UBS. Applying Lean Management practices in financial services sector since 2014.  In the last 2 years supporting Lean and Agile methodologies implementation; goal setting using OKRs and innovation by facilitating Design Thinking workshops.



