Service Process Improvement Network

Lean Gamification – how to build a Continuous Improvement culture using elements of games.
Lean Gamification – how to build a Continuous Improvement culture using elements of games.
Maciej Pieńkowski | Uniwersytet WSB Merito we Wrocławiu
About Me

Lean Gamification – how to build a Continuous Improvement culture using elements of games.

  • The workshop will enable participants to explore the concept of lean gamification and design their own game addressing real business problems within their organizations.

It is divided into three parts:

- Theoretical part – covering motivation theory, the concept of gamification, and its integration with lean management.

- Practical part – presenting practical examples of lean gamification applied in organizations.

- Exercise part – focusing on designing their own improvement game using the POMPA model and standardized project tools.

Maciej Pieńkowski - He holds a doctorate in management and quality from the Wrocław University of Economics and Business. With over 10 years of experience in continuous improvement, Lean Management and change management, he has been holding both specialist and managerial roles within international corporations. He combines his business experience with teaching and research as an assistant professor at WSB Merito University in Wrocław. He wrote multiple scientific publications on topics such as maturity models, Lean Management and process management. He currently serves as the President of the Lean Management Association of Poland.





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